Jun 1Liked by Courtney Waters

Sounds like my daughter. Saying no to things we don’t want to do as adults is a next level satisfaction for those of us that used to always go with the flow

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Yes it is 🙌🏻 having so little time to myself (after work and parenting and chores) turned me into a free time gremlin that doesn’t want to give up the tiny bits of if I get 😂

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My friends very other day! Let's go get drunk! Let's go to other side of city to do absoloutely nothing!

"I will frequently default to agreement, even though I might have another preference in mind."


Even though I love my friends, but I still want them to know, "No I don't wanna do this right now! instead let's build a video game"

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Yes! Us adults could learn a thing or two from little kids. :)

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Yes!! 🫶Our children have so much wisdom to share with us. I’m on the journey of learning to re-connect with myself with deep self compassion, so I can tap into my inner wisdom (like my kids seem to do so naturally) and know what my next aligned steps are. Love this insightful read. P.S. Bluey is a favorite in our home too 💙😄

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They definitely do 🤍

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This sentence made me chuckle "But lately, I’ve been channeling my toddler’s default no in a more millennial-mom-appropriate way: I’m choosing a default pause." mainly the 'millennial-mom-appropriate way".

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Hah! Glad to hear it. 😁

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This was great, Courtney! We can't fully say yes to things if we don't know how to say no. A lesson we've all learned as toddlers, and now have to remember. :)

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Yes, exactly. 🙂

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